In a quiet town of Punta Arenas, Chile, a cat named Simon stood out not only for his sweetness, but also for his unusual attitude towards unwanted visitors.
Under the roof of his owner, Benjamin Sagredo, Simon found a unique way to deal with the “pests” of the house – he turned them into friends.
Something unexpected is seen in the kitchen
It all started a few weeks ago, when Benjamin began to hear strange noises echoing from his kitchen.
Initially, the sounds were faint and intermittent, so Benjamin didn’t pay much attention. However, an unexpected scene changed everything.
One morning, upon entering the kitchen, Benjamin was met with a surprising sight – his adorable cat, Simon, next to a little mouse, drinking water from the cat’s bowl.
The scene was unbelievable, but Benjamin witnessed the unimaginable: his cat not only tolerated the presence of the mouse, but seemed genuinely friendly and affectionate towards it.
“They seemed intimately acquainted. Simon was being affectionate so I decided to record. I thought no one would believe me,”
said Sagredo.
The beginning of an unusual friendship
Simon, the big-hearted cat, seemed to be defying all expectations, making friends with one who, under normal circumstances, would be his natural prey.
Dubbed “Chefcito” by Benjamin, the mouse seemed to have found an unexpected home under the roof of Simon and Benjamin.
Although Benjamin initially thought about releasing Chefcito, it became clear that the little rodent felt truly welcomed in the company of Simon.
Simon’s compassionate attitude inspired Benjamin, who couldn’t help but be touched by his cat’s kindness.
Now, with Chefcito’s regular presence in their home, Benjamin and Simon are considering the possibility of adopting the mouse as part of their growing family.
In this charming story, we see that sometimes friendship can arise where we least expect it, and that the generous heart of an animal can teach us powerful lessons about compassion and acceptance.
The video that enchanted the world
For Simon and Chefcito, the future looks bright under the warm roof of their new family.
Source: THE DODO via Youtube